Categoria: Shows Internacionais

  • Jodie Foster – Best of Breed – Sacramento

    Mais um excelente resultado de Jodie Foster nos Estados Unidos.


  • Jodie Foster em campanha nos Estados Unidos


    De: andy linton
    Enviada em: terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2010 15:37
    Assunto: Results

    Hello Ana,

    We just returned from Idaho where we were at four shows. Jodie won Best of Breed twice and Humphrey won 2 more points. He now needs 1 major (3 points) to finish his Championship.


  • Malabo na Westminster2010

    Mais uma vez o Malabo APD compareceu a uma das mais importantes exposições do mundo – a Westminster.

    Com a presença de AmCh Beam Of Light Of Malabo APD e AmCh Jodie Foster Of Malabo APD, ambos filhos do excepcional Ch Nashira’s Katano Of Ridgeville. Nossos cães foram apresentados pelos handlers Daniel Breim (Beam) e Andy Linton (Jodie).

    Assistam ao julgamento pelo vídeo

  • Vídeos da Eukanuba World Challenge 2008

    Confiram abaixo os vídeos da participação de nosso Beam of Light of Malabo APD na Eukanuba World Challenge 2008.

  • Humphrey of Afrikka of Malabo APD em campanha nos Estados Unidos


    Humphrey of Afrikka of Malabo APD está em campanha nos Estados Unidos pelas mãos de Andy Linton.



    De: andy linton
    19 de janeiro de 2010 19:56
    Para: Ana Paola Diniz

    Hello Ana,

    We had exciting news this past weekend. Humphrey won a 3 point major and Jodie won 2 Best of Breeds! I’ll send the photos when I receive them.

    I am looking forward to seeing you at the Westminster show!

    Until then,


  • Malabo na Nacional Americana – 2009

    Depois de vencer a raça na Westminster em 2007, Bruno (MBIS Ch. Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray, JC) irmão da ninhada de nossa Golden, vence Nacional Americana em 2009. Premiado também como Melhor Veterano da Nacional o excepcional MBIS BISS Ch. Spring Valley’s Great Gatsby, ROM, um dos pilares da criação Malabo APD.

    Às criadoras Christina Wistrom e Marie Cotton, nossos parabéns e nossa eterna gratidão por nos permitir trazer ao Brasil linhagens tão comprovadamente vencedoras”

    Best of Breed – Melhor da Raça

    MBIS Ch. Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray, JC – Irmão próprio de nossa Of Afrikka Sprngvly Malabo (Golden Star)

    Sire: MBIS BISS Ch. Spring Valley’s Great Gatsby
    Dam: Ch. Deer Ridge Blixen of Afrika
    Breeder: Dr. Christina Wistrom
    Owners: Dr. Christina Wistrom and Sonnet McKinnon
    Handler: Jack Secrest Jr.

    Dr. Christina Wistrom, Jack Secrest, Jr., Sonnet McKinnon, Ian McKinnon

    Best of Opposite Sex – Melhor do sexo oposto

    Ch. Rouxridge I Can Fly

    Sire: Ch. Juba Lee’s License to Steal
    Dam: Ch. Rouxridge Wildfire
    Breeders: Sharon and Janine Leroux
    Owners: Sharon Lexroux
    Handler: Laurie DiRoma

    Best of Winners

    Kahriba N Adili’s Winning Hand

    Sire: MBIS Ch. Adili’s American Idol
    Dam: Ch. Tahari’s Fire and Rain of Kahriba
    Breeders: Glenn and Celia Hoffman, and Frank and Judy DePaolo
    Owners: Nadine Vaccarino, Tammy Lynch, Kiki Courtelis and Celia Hoffman

    Awards of Merit

    • MBIS Ch. Adili’s American Idol
    • Ch. Kahriba’s One Recce
    • Ch. Tji-Wara’s Distant Drums
    • Ch. Bundu’s Incident Commander
    • Ch. Vyrtuous Zaka of Zimbabwe
    • Ch. Avendale of Nashira
    • Ch. Diamond’s How Sweet It Is
    • Ch. Paumanok’s Leda
    • Ch. Strasridge’s Femme Fatale
    • Ch. Calico Ridge Maiden Lane Bling

    Best Veteran in Show

    MBIS BISS Ch. Spring Valley’s Great Gatsby, ROM – Pai de Of Afrikka Sprngvly Malabo (Golden Star), Fletcher Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD, Faar Tao Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD, Faaizah Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD. É avô materno de Humphrey of Afrikka of Malabo APD e Hi-Fi of Afrikka of Malabo APD e bisavô de Logan, Lars, Lorenzo e La Boheme e La Vie em Rose.

    Best of Opposite Veteran in Show

    Can Ch. Cedarpoint’s Lady Locksley


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  • Nacional Americana – 28 de Maio

    Juíza: Paula Hartinger – juíza desde 1975

    7-9 Veteran Dogs / Veteranos – 7 a 9 anos

    1st Place: Ch. LaFleurs Flashy Prospect
    2nd Place: DC Tophat’s Chaminuka of Tumomak, MC
    3rd Place: Ch. Alchemy Oridgenal One More Time, CDX, AX, MXJ, SC, RN
    4th Place: MBIS Ch. Bandari’s A Twist of Fate

    9-11 Veteran Dogs / Veteranos – 9 a 11 anos

    1st Place: MBIS BISS Ch. Spring Valley’s Great Gatsby – Pai de Of Afrikka Sprngvly Malabo (Golden Star), Fletcher Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD,Faar Tao Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD, Faaizah Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD. É avô materno de Humphrey of Afrikka of Malabo APD e Hi-Fi of Afrikka of Malabo APD e bisavô de Logan, Lars, Lorenzo e La Boheme e La Vie em Rose.
    2nd Place: Ch. Sulawesi Legal Limt of Aslan, SC
    3rd Place: Ch. Rare Earth’s Charged Particle, OA, OAJ, RA, JC
    4th Place: Ch. Chuckwagons Wills Son of Rokishoals

    11+ Veteran Dogs / Veteranos – acima de 11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Khoikhoi Rhodian Veld Walker, SC
    2nd Place: Ch. Zareba’s Big Kahoona

    6-9 Puppy Dogs / Filhotes Machos de 6 a 9 meses

    1st Place: Hunter’s Ridge Red Sun Rising
    2nd Place: Tji-Wara’s Mettle of Honor
    3rd Place: Tolerton’s SV High Country Seventh Seal
    4th Place: Juba Lee N Shadowridge Speak EZ

    9-12 Puppy Dogs / Filhotes Machos de 9 a 12 meses

    1st Place: Sunsweetened Eye Candy by Copperridge
    2nd Place: Sanyati’s Shuga Jaya of Ridgelea
    3rd Place: Tubila’s Howdy’ A Like Me Now
    4th Place: Lekana’s Perfect Storm

    12-18 Dogs / Machos de 12 a 18 meses

    1st Place: Calluna’s Maxxwel D of Juba Lee
    2nd Place: Rambo’s Gunfight at the OK Corral
    3rd Place: Kwetu’s Tehaka Oldmurani Lelowuaru
    4th Place: Tajamani Kwetu’s Rust Too

    Bred By Exhibitor Dogs / Machos apresentados pelo criador

    1st Place: Sunstone’s Magic Man
    2nd Place: Juba Lee’s Mardi Gras King
    3rd Place: Pegasus That’s That Amore, JC
    4th Place: Spring Valley’s Extra Duty for Lucious

    American Bred Dogs / Macho criação Nacional

    1st Place: Pegasus Bohemian Rhapsody of Sapele
    2nd Place: Pegasus No Quarter at Denali, JC

    Open Dogs / Machos – Classe aberta

    1st Place: Karhiba N Adili’s Winning Hand
    2nd Place: Coso’s H By Tommy Hilfiger
    3rd Place: Maijani’s Dutch Goldberg
    4th Place: Nashira’s Tazer of Zaki

    Winners Dog

    Karhiba N Adili’s Winning Hand

    Reserve Winners Dog

    Calluna’s Maxxwel D of Juba Lee

    Classes especiais

    Field Dogs / Cães de Trabalho

    1st Place: DC Sulawesi’s Spruce Goose, SC
    2nd Place: DC Spring Valley’s Pele, MC, TD, RN, NAP, NJP
    3rd Place: DC Tandiwe’s Intrigue’N Mission, MC
    4th Place: DC Walker Shombay of LeCreme, MC, LCX

    Altered Dogs

    1st Place: Ch. Kennebec’s Chip Off the Ol’ Fella

    Stud Dogs / Padreadores

    1st Place: DC Umtali’s Arrest Me Red, SC
    2nd Place: MBIS BISS Ch. Spring Valley’s Great Gatsby – Pai de Of Afrikka Sprngvly Malabo (Golden Star), Fletcher Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD, Faar Tao Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD, Faaizah Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD. É avô materno de Humphrey of Afrikka of Malabo APD e Hi-Fi of Afrikka of Malabo APD e bisavô de Logan, Lars, Lorenzo e La Boheme e La Vie em Rose.
    3rd Place: Ch. SpringValley Nashira Readallaboutit
    4th Place: DC Ridge View Cirque of the Towers, SC, NA, NAJ, RN

    7-9 Veteran Bitches / Veteranas – 7 a 9 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Echoridge Thunderbolts N’Zazi, CDX, SC, MX, MXJ
    2nd Place: DC Koda’s Ay Caramba, SC
    3rd Place: Ch. Mzazi’s That’s Why
    4th Place: Ch. Tall Timbers Elita

    9-11 Veteran Bitches / Veteranas – 9 a 11 anos

    1st Place: Cedarpoint’s Lady Locksley
    2nd Place: FC Qhil Ruzuna of Jabalieupe, CD, SC
    3rd Place: Ch. Kennebec’s Alchemy Alliance, CDX, JC
    4th Place: Ch. Mystic Isle’s Joy to the World, JC

    11+ Veteran Bitches / Veteranas – acima de 11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Summit’s Lake Effect Star, RE, SC, NA, OAJ
    2nd place: DC Waride’s Amini Rafiki, MC
    3rd place: Ch. Umtali’s Amarillo by Morning
    4th place: Ch. Cedarpoint’s Lady of the Lake

    6-9 Puppy Bitches / Filhotes fêmas 6 a 9 meses

    1st Place: Spring Valley’s Dimond Kiya Kane
    2nd Place: Luvakis Ekundu Kisura Bahati
    3rd Place: Juba Lee’s Ruby Tuesday
    4th Place: Hunter’s Ridge Tula Rae

    9-12 Puppy Bitches / Filhotes fêmeas 9 a 12 meses

    1st Place: Koda’s Poco a Poco
    2nd Place: Courage’s Sassy Sadie of Miles
    3rd Place: Ashanti’s Star of Kenya
    4th Place: Sunsweet Ntombi Juji

    12-18 Bitches / Fêmeas 12 a 18 meses

    1st Place: Malawi Quim III Falala
    2nd Place: Rollings Golden Jubilee from Mt Ridge
    3rd Place: Sulawesi’s Grace on Safari
    4th Place: Spring Valley’s Absolut Satisfaction

    Bred By Exhibitor Bitches

    1st Place: FC Mystic Isle’s Northern Lights, SC
    2nd Place: Koda’s Con Brio
    3rd Place: Tajamani’s Nina by Kwetu
    4th Place: Pingora’s Superstition

    American Bred Bitches

    1st Place: Cynara’s Astral Phenomenon, SC
    2nd place: FC Ngwazi’s Blackeyed P at Mwenje, MC
    3rd place: FC RedSkyes Destination Intrigue, SC
    4th place: Rare Earth’s Piezo Effect of Kissi

    Open Bitches

    2nd Place: Rare Earth’s Celtic Summer Storm
    3rd Place: Zareba’s Hot Hot Heat of Rare Earth
    4th Place: Karhiba’s Courtney Selous

    Winners Bitch

    Cedarpoint’s Champagne N Roses

    Reserve Winners Bitch

    Bred By Bitch
    FC Mystic Isle’s Northern Lights, SC

    Best Ridge Competition – Melhor Crista

    Best Riged Male and Best Overall Ridge
    Ch. Thor of Parnassus

    Best Ridged Female
    Ch. RidgeView’s Belle du Jour, JC


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  • Nacional Americana – 26 e 27 de Maio de 2009 – Sweepstakes

    Juiz: Ross Jones – Cimarron Rhodesian Ridgebacks, em Albuquerque, Novo México


    7-9 Veteran Dogs / Veteranos Machos – 7/9 anos

    1st Place: MBIS Ch. Bandari’s a Twist of Fate
    2nd Place: Ch. Nalzjehe’s Kvichak
    3rd Place: Ch. Cedarpoint’s Warrior King
    4th Place: Ch. LaFleur’s Flashy Prospect

    9-11 Veteran Dogs / Veteranos Machos – 9/11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Ivy League’s Academy Award – Pai de nossa CH ROLLING´S SHE´S THE ONE (BUDDAH), avô materno de Fletcher Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD, Faar Tao Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD e Faaizah Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD e bisavô de Logan, Lars, Lorenzo e La Boheme e La Vie em Rose
    2nd Place: Ch. Sulawesi’s Legal Limit of Aslan, SC
    3rd Place: BISS Ch. Sunsweet Phoenix by Kwetu, JC
    4th Place: Ch. Chuckwagon’s Wills Son of Rokishoals

    11+ Veteran Dogs / Veteranos Machos – acima de 11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Zareba’s Big Kahoona
    2nd Place: Ch. Khoikhoi Rhodian Veld Walker, SC
    3rd Place: Ch. Zareba’s Midnight Runner, CD, RN, JC

    7-9 Veteran Bitches / Veteranas Fêmeas – 7/9 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Rare Earth’s Circuit Breaker, JC
    2nd Place: Ch. Nashira’s Private Collection
    3rd Place: Ch. Rare Earth’s Element of Surprize, CD, NA, NAJ, RN
    4th Place: DC Rocky Ridge’s I Love Lucy, SC

    9-11 Veteran Bitches / Veteranas Fêmeas – 9/11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Kennebec’s Alchemy Alliance, CDX, JC
    2nd Place: Ch. Tandiwe’s Mason Dixon Belle
    3rd Place: Ch. Uzuri’s Taylor Made of Jubalee
    4th Place: Ch. Rocky Ridge’s Hi Caliber Shabani

    11+ Veteran Bitches / Veteranas Fêmeas – acima de 11 anos

    1st Place: Ch. Umtali’s Amarillo by Morning
    2nd Place: DC Waridi’s Amini Rafiki, MC
    3rd Place: Ch. Summit’s Lake Effect Star
    4th Place: Ch. Cedarpoint’s Lady of the Lake

    Best in Veteran Sweepstakes

    Ch. Ivy League’s Academy Award – Pai de nossa CH ROLLING´S SHE´S THE ONE (BUDDAH), avô materno de Fletcher Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD, Faar Tao Spring Valley´s of Malabo APD e Faaizah Spring Valley’s of Malabo APD e bisavô de Logan, Lars, Lorenzo e La Boheme e La Vie em Rose

    Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes

    Ch. Rare Earth’s Circuit Breaker, JC

    Puppy Sweepstakes Winners and Placers

    Breeder-judge Ross Jones

    6-9 Puppy Dogs / Filhotes Machos de 6 a 9 meses

    1st Place: Hunter’s Ridge Red Sun Rising
    2nd Place: Tji-Wara’s Mettle of Honor
    3rd Place: Juba Lee N Shadowridge Speak Ez
    4th Place: Imkahena Duduma

    9-12 Puppy Dogs / Filhotes Machos de 9 a 12 meses

    1st Place: Hunter’s Ridge Outer Limits
    2nd Place: Tubila’s Howdy’ A Like Me Now
    3rd Place: Adili’s Something Worth Repeating
    4th Place: Koda’s the Munashee Promise

    12-15 Junior Dogs / Jovens Machos de 12 a 15 meses

    1st Place: Umtali’s Bruno of Mutare
    2nd Place: Rambo’s Prince of Galina
    3rd Place: Freedom’s Blast from the Past
    4th Place: Calluna’s Maxxwel D of Juba Lee

    15-18 Junior Dogs / Jovens Machos de 15 a 18 meses

    1st Place: Juba Lee’s Mardi Gras King
    2nd Place: Juba Lee’s Rocketman Major Tom
    3rd Place: Ridgeville’s Mwalimu Len
    4th Place: Nashira’s Kenyata

    6-9 Puppy Bitches / Filhotes Fêmeas de 6 a 9 meses

    1st Place: Ridgeville’s Special Request
    2nd Place: Hunter’s Ridge Tula Rae
    3rd Place: Spring Valley’s Dimond Kiya Kane
    4th Place: Juba Lee’s Ruby Tuesday

    9-12 Puppy Bitches / Filhotes Fêmeas de 9 a 12 meses

    1st Place: Adili’s Made to Perfection
    2nd Place: Kengali’s Spirits R Zoomin’
    3rd Place: Mystic Isles Bella Rose By Uba Tuba
    4th Place: Mystic Isle’s Artemis

    12-15 Junior Bitches / Jovens Fêmeas de 12 a 15 meses

    1st Place: Ch. Jesmyster’s Red By Flash
    2nd Place: Firedance N Adili’s Making U Jealous
    3rd Place: Malawi Quim III Falala
    4th Place: Tajamani Nina By Kwetu

    15-18 Junior Bitches / Jovens Fêmeas de 15 a 18 meses

    1st Place: Excalibur’s Vision in the Night
    2nd Place: Ivory Moon Mocha Java Junkie O’2 Hills, SC
    3rd Place: Cynara’s Astral Phenomenon, SC
    4th Place: Ridgeville’s Jamala Brea

    Best in Puppy Sweepstakes

    Adili’s Made to Perfection

    Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweepstakes

    Hunter’s Ridge Outer Limits


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